Small Choices Make a Big Difference

“distinct (adjective): recognisably different in nature from something else of a similar type.”

We always take a good chunk of time to listen to what God wants to speak to young people about through our conferences. We want to celebrate who our young people are in Jesus while also challenging where they are. We ask if they are satisfied with who they are, to then push them on to another level of living that sees God’s kingdom realised here on earth. All this is through the lens of godly, characterful leadership.

At this year’s conference in February – DISTINCT – we are so excited to be journeying and sharing the life of Daniel in the Old Testament. We’ll be bringing his story forward a few thousand years and unpacking the challenge to live counter-culturally – knowing that when we do, it impacts the lives and cultures around us. This happens in such a way that calls out in a loud voice that there a sovereign God who reigns, and that in the end, heaven rules.

As we began to prepare, we were struck by how faithfully Daniel followed God, whether devoting without compromise both his body and mind, diligently praying three times a day, or staying consistent in his character no matter what name or title he was given: Israelite, Member of the Royal household, student, King’s servant, Belshazzar, Ruler, Prisoner, Administrator.

We asked ourselves, ‘Are we doing this?!’ What was clear to us is that his consistency in character stemmed from a deep relationship with the living God. A relationship that resulted in him creating these rules for life that unintentionally placed him right at the centre of a kingdom which brought not only the leader of the kingdom to worship but the nation around him:

“I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel. For he is the living God and he endures for ever; and his kingdom will not be destroyed, and his dominion will never end.”

— Daniel 6:26

Daniel caused a nation to stop and listen to God not through shouting or pleading, but by the daily choices of obedience, consistency and the decision to live distinctly in the culture that surrounded him.

We are praying as a team that the young people who attend this year’s conference get a sense of the power that lies in making simple decisions and the huge impact that their daily choices can make as they continue to step out in faith in our hyper-modern world.

If you are directly involved in youth ministry – either paid or as a volunteer – or you know a youth group and haven’t booked yet then we would love to see you in February! 

Onelife Conference 2020: Distinct

With seminars, main sessions, panels and coaching delivered by exceptional leaders from every sphere of society, this is a conference for young people who are serious about exploring their call to lead like Jesus, wherever he calls them to be.

Chris Smith

Chris is Director of Relations and Operations at Onelife.


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