Victoria's Onelife Sessions Story
It was our under-25s pastor Rob who suggested we work through the student stream of the Onelife Sessions.
We’d meet together for brunch (posh!) on a Saturday morning each month and look at the material together. It felt like a level playing field where we would explore the sessions together in conversation, rather than having someone deliver them ‘from the front’, and that worked really well for our group.
I’ve just finished my final year of Primary Education, specialising in Early Years – and I found I could quickly apply what I learned through the Sessions to my experience with children on my school placements.
“I loved the idea of being able to marry the idea of leadership in a church setting to leadership in other areas of life.”
In particular I really valued the sessions exploring Myers-Briggs personality types and the five Love Languages. I’d come across both those ideas before starting university, and I could really see how my worldview had evolved during those years. I also loved being able to marry the idea of leadership in a church setting to leadership in other areas of life.
Since the Onelife Sessions I’ve started to take a step back and appreciate the beauty of everyone’s differences. I have to keep reminding myself that not everyone thinks in the same way as me, and that’s okay. Good leaders always raise up new leaders, whatever role you’re in – and sometimes that means letting someone else do something in a new or unexpected way. Often that’s the way that God shows those people where he’s calling them to lead, and it’s a great reminder that you can never know everything!