Be Distinct

Distinct: Recognisably different in nature from something else of a similar type.

We don’t want to be distracted, disengaged or disillusioned but instead we want to be distinct.

But what does it mean to be distinct?

Jesus has called us to be set apart in the way we live. As we follow his call we’ll start looking different to the world around us. We are of a similar type, we have similar needs, wants and desires but the way we respond to those is recognisably different.

We read about Daniel in the Old Testament who, despite being taken away from his home into enemy territory and threatened with death, managed to stay distinct. He chose to stay true to the ways of his people and his God, rather than conforming to the pressing culture around him. By following God’s commandments and remaining faithful, Daniel ultimately won the favour of the king.

We live in a society where the dominant culture is not one that follows Jesus – so we too must work out what it looks like to be distinctive. As leaders, we are culture setters and it is up to us to show the world another option. To show that there is more than distraction which numbs our pain, disengagement which leaves us powerless and disillusion which masks disappointment. There is life in all its fullness when we step into lives that are distinctly marked with Christ. For this is what Christ calls us into: ‘you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.’ 1 Peter 2:9.

Join us this February at our conference where we will look at the life of Daniel and explore how we can be distinctive in relationships, in our consuming habits, in our choices, in our schools and in our leadership.

Book now for the 2020 Onelife Conference!

Join us for Distinct – our 2020 Conference on 20-22 February, at St Andrew’s Chorleywood. Book your tickets today by heading to!

Helen Davies

Helen is Director of Training at Onelife.


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