Celebrating Ten Years of Onelife!

On Saturday 6 July, the team and I had spent the last 24 hours with a room full of youth workers, thrashing out strategy around raising up young leaders. As we said goodbye to one group we all prepared to begin a very different event – our ten year birthday celebrations in the very place that Onelife started, St Andrew's Chorleywood.

As I walked into the church I was blown away but what was in front of me. Every inch of the St Andrew's sanctuary was covered in the Onelife story of the past ten years: from t-shirts to videos, pictures of young people in Uganda to groups applauding as their peers left another conference. I was once again reminded that we are part of a much bigger story fuelled by the faith of a committed few who saw Jesus doing something and pursued it with everything they had!

The evening was full of stories, vision for the future and of course plenty of cheese and wine. Wonderfully we also raised another £4,600 to fuel the Onelife vision into all that lies ahead. We prayed over our plans of international reach, schools work, a growing School of Leadership and increased access to leadership development through the Onelife Sessions – young and old stood together and partnered with us.

Together we raised a glass to all that has been and together we turned to run after all that could be!

Liz Bewley

Liz is the Director of Onelife.


Be Distinct


Audrey Anesu: My School of Leadership story