Onelife Blog
Soul Rest: Discovering the Sabbath
Kenzie shares her experience exploring what it looks like to observe the Sabbath. Discover her journey towards true ‘soul rest’.
Youth Group Session: Building a Rule of Life
A youth group session exploring what it means to develop a Rule of Life and how to implement one in your own walk with Jesus.
Lessons in Leadership from Black Panther: The Importance of Family and Friends
A youth group session based on the Marvel film Black Panther. Part of a series of resources for youth workers written by Ash Porter.
Lessons in Leadership from Captain America: Character Comes First
A youth group session based on the Marvel film Captain America: The First Avenger. Part of a series of resources for youth workers written by Ash Porter.
Lessons in Leadership from Captain Marvel: Never Give Up
A youth group session based on the Marvel film Captain Marvel. Part of a series of resources for youth workers written by Ash Porter.
Using SOAP to read the Bible with your young people
We love using the SOAP technique – Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer – to read the Bible. Here’s how to use it with your young people as part of a video call.
Lessons from the Tortoise and the Hare
Remember the fable of the Tortoise and the Hare? Helen suggests some practical ways we can be more like the tortoise and run with perseverance and endurance the race marked out for us.
Three Steps to Guard Against Anxiety
Helen shares a simple three-step process that help you guard your heart against anxiety. It’s about growing your awareness of what is making you worried or anxious and bringing it into the light of God’s promises.
Lean In To The Awkwardness! Why Vulnerability In Your Youth Group Matters
Our top tips for youth groups to connect through vulnerability, even through the additional barrier of a screen.