Leading Yourself Well and Working from Home

Working from home? Check out these top tips from the Onelife team about how you can lead yourself and others well in our new normal.




Whichever room the kids aren’t in! I’m juggling taking care of our kids and working hours in our house in Watford. 


  1. Exercise
    Do this more than you would have before whether it’s a run or an online workout. I’m doing FightKlub and have developed a new muscle for 6am runs which I never believed I could achieve!

  2. Lean in
    Sharing and communication has become thoroughly awkward but the more we lean into that and fight for connection through our digital platforms of choice the better we will lead and live out of relationship with others. I have learnt that as I step out and be vulnerable in a Zoom chat, saying when I'm not okay, it gives others permission to do the same.

  3. Rhythms and rest
    Spending time with Jesus, reading my Bible and praying in the morning, and learning how to chill out and rest well away from my phone in the evening has been so important for me. I am also really understanding more the importance of Sabbath and celebration. Having journeyed with this over the past year its now come into our lives at a whole new level!



My old bedroom at my parents’ house in the countryside.


  1. Before you start work, shower and dress for the day properly as if you were heading to the office. It’s great for your self-esteem and focus and looks great on Zoom!

  2. Take a walk before you sit down to work, taking time to pray, reflect, and enjoy God’s creation. Worship him and fix your eyes on him for the new day.

  3. At the end of the day, pack away your workstation, especially if your desk is in part of the house you’ll be using for other things. It helps you switch off from work and rest well!





Whichever room is available (and wherever my toddler isn’t!).


  1. Keep connected to colleagues throughout the day despite the physical separation. We’re using Microsoft Teams and Zoom much more for messaging and video calls.

  2. Be patient and have grace for others now that they are facing new challenges and their schedules have changed.

  3. Take time to listen to how others are doing and remember to share encouragement.

  4. Remember to exercise and find time for rest and things you find enjoyment in during your new daily/weekly routine. Keeping healthy and rested is good for work as well as home life!



Cooped up in my little flat, with my wife Emily and lots of pot plants. 


  1. Take time every day to be inspired! Being stuck inside is a creativity killer for me, so I’ve been trying to get the creative juices flowing in other ways. I like to read, listen to music or listen to podcasts from people that inspire me.

  2. Take time every day to be present to yourself, and present to those you live with. I’ve been carving out time to chat to Emily when we’re not distracted by work or screens, and a slot each morning to process my own feelings in my journal. 

  3. Make your days off feel different from your workdays. It will really help when you head back into a working Monday if you’ve managed to reset your brain over the weekend. For me this means turning the alarm clock off and switching up my breakfast choices at the weekends!





At the dining room table.


  1. Make sure to do some exercise every day to get those endorphins! I’m either doing a home work out in the morning (Blogilates has a playlist on YouTube for each day so you don’t even have to choose what to do!) and then going for a walk after work or just going for a run in the evening. 

  2. Schedule breaks (and treats!). I’m trying to grab a cup of tea or coffee everyday at 3pm to break up the day. It means I can get up, have a wander around and then come back and refocus as I finish off the last few hours of the working day. 

  3. Use video calling where you can rather than email. I’m now home alone all day while my husband is at work so it makes a huge difference to get to see someone’s face for a few minutes. An email might take less time but I know I’ll be more productive overall if I’ve had some human connection. 



On an old fashioned bureau in the corner of my bedroom!


  1. Set realistic goals for the day. Make your day about getting the work done rather than getting the minutes and hours done.

  2. Be really clear with your family or housemates about when you will and won’t be available. I am at home with my wife and three littl’uns who are 3, 6, and 8, so my wife likes to know when I will be down to give her a breather!

  3. Set a routine. This is the key to success in our house for both the adults and the children – from our mornings to breaks for lunch and in the afternoon. It helps to know how your working day is structured, and make sure you find space to get your exercise in once a day…so important!


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