Onelife Blog
Soul Rest: Discovering the Sabbath
Kenzie shares her experience exploring what it looks like to observe the Sabbath. Discover her journey towards true ‘soul rest’.
Youth Group Session: Building a Rule of Life
A youth group session exploring what it means to develop a Rule of Life and how to implement one in your own walk with Jesus.
Faithfully Living a Hidden Life
Tom, Onelife's Training and Development Coordinator, explores how we can impact our world by being faithful to Jesus in the ordinary and unseen areas of our lives.
Lessons in Leadership from Black Panther: The Importance of Family and Friends
A youth group session based on the Marvel film Black Panther. Part of a series of resources for youth workers written by Ash Porter.
Lessons in Leadership from Captain America: Character Comes First
A youth group session based on the Marvel film Captain America: The First Avenger. Part of a series of resources for youth workers written by Ash Porter.
Lessons in Leadership from Captain Marvel: Never Give Up
A youth group session based on the Marvel film Captain Marvel. Part of a series of resources for youth workers written by Ash Porter.
See. Pray. Act. Leading Like Nehemiah, Part III – Act
Liz concludes our introduction to Nehemiah by exploring the way that his vision and prayer led to action. It’s time for us to act, too – will you respond to God’s invitation?
See. Pray. Act. Leading Like Nehemiah, Part II – Pray
Continuing our journey through Nehemiah, Liz unpacks the ingredients of his prayer life and offers insight into how our prayer lives can be shaped in the same way.
See. Pray. Act. Leading Like Nehemiah, Part I – See
Liz introduces a journey through Nehemiah, exploring the key themes of See, Pray and Act. What can we learn from Nehemiah’s leadership as we seek to rebuild?